Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Penny Bridge Academy

On Monday afternoon Sarah and I went along to Penny Bridge Academy for the assembly.  We started by talking about love and in particular 'Love in the Bible' I explained that in the Bible there are loads of stories - so many I don't know just how many.  There are long stories that take up pages and short ones that are just half a page long.  I added to this that a lot of these stories show love, so I displayed some pictures and asked the children if they knew the story, the first one was Moses walk through the Red Sea - he demonstrated love by leading the people for 40 years.  We also had David who showed his love in the many poems, songs and psalms that he wrote and he was the best king of God's people.  We had Ruth - which is a whole book and a love story, her love for Naomi is clearly evident.  We had Esther who risked her life before the king to save her own people.  We moved on to Jesus and the love Mary and Joseph had for him, the love Jesus had for others and God's love for us in giving us Jesus.  The last slide was John 15:12 which is Jesus talking to his followers (and us) Love one another as I have loved you.  Sarah then continued and explained that at the start of the new year it would be good if we all followed the words of Jesus and loved one another more.  To finish we sang Shine before Sarah said a prayer.

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