Friday 18 January 2019

BX NT Lesson 2 St Pauls Barrow

This afternoon I have been with the year 5 and then the year 6 classes at St Pauls in Barrow.  It was the second lesson of NT BX.  This covered the start of Jesus' ministry.  We looked at the story of Nicodemus from John followed by the woman at the well in Samaria, before Jesus went up north back to his own town only to be 'asked to leave'.  Then we had the selection of the 12 disciples and the sermon on the mount.  We covered a couple of miracles such as the feeding the 5000and calming a storm.  I also talked about parables and explained what they were and how they are good stories but they all have a hidden meaning and if you look closer you begin to understand what Jesus is saying.  We finished off with Peter proclaiming that he knows who Jesus is and he gets it - only to put his foot in it again when he sees Jesus transfigured before him and shine out God's glory - he suggests they stay and build houses der!  Next week we move into the last week of Jesus' life and the events leading up to Easter.

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