Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Newton Primary School

On Monday morning I joined the 2019 Transition Team at Newton Primary School, to firstly work with the year 6 children and then do an assembly to the whole school.  We spent about an hour with the year 6 children as we worked on a few issues they may face as they go into the new schools.  We gave them a booklet full of information that would be useful to them.  Then we did an assembly all about moving on.  We did a drama which is a kind of modern take on the Abraham story in that a family was moving but they didn't know where to - rather like Abraham.  In the drama there was panic and running around as the two 'children' tried to pack a suitcase.  Afterwards we explained what was going on and encouraged the children as they move on either through the school or on into a new school.  We shared Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go...with the children.  We then sang Great Big God before finishing with a prayer.

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