Thursday, 27 June 2019

Our Lady's Dalton

This morning I went to do the final assembly of the year at Our Lady's Dalton.  I didn't start with a song but went straight into the story.  I started by asking if anyone had ever moved house - loads of hands went up.  I then asked what it would be like if when they got home they were told that they were moving, and they had to fill a suitcase, get ready and move - but move to an unknown place - they didn't know where.  I linked this idea to the story of Abraham, I displayed a map to start with and explained where he lived and that he was a sheep farmer who lived in Ur - I made a play on words by saying Ur was over there somewhere and God said to him move from Ur over there to where over here (pointing to a different part of the hall) which is there and so on - the laughs built up as he did this a few times during the story.  I also mentioned the promise of loads of family as well that God made to Abraham.  I finished off with Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  As I draw the story to an end I encourage all the children that God would go with them when they moved up class, changed class room, teacher and when they went on to secondary school.  We then sang Great Big God and as an extra special treat for the year 6 children we did the Chicken Dance.  I finished with a prayer.

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