Wednesday 13 January 2016

Burlington School

This morning I went along to Burlington School for their assembly.  I decided to introduce a couple of new songs to the children so to start we sang God's love is Bigger than a Burger then I displayed some pictures on the screen.  The first picture was the start of a race, then an aeroplane taking off, a wedding picture and the a book called first day at school.  All of the are the start of something.  I then went on to tell the story of Zacchaeus and displayed pictures as I did.  He had done things wrong and he decided to start again this time with Jesus.  I reminded the children that we all decide to start something new at the beginning of a new year we make promises to ourselves and have a fresh start.  But Zacchaeus decided to make a big life change and follow Jesus.  After this we sang Shine and then I closed with a prayer.

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