Saturday, 30 June 2012
Pennington Gala Day - Pennington School
This afternoon I have had a great time at Pennington School sharing in their Gala Day. I managed to do show different shows during the afternoon and entertained around 20 children and adults each time. The tricks I did started with selcular ones building up to gospel ones. My second show only had a couple of tricks the rest were gospel illustions. During the day I played two CD's of Listen to Him the righteous pop music that I got from Oneway UK. Even that was a witness to some as they knew the tune but then the words are different and have a gospel message. The weather was kind to us as well and it kept off rain for the afternoon and even the wind was tame. So all Priase to God for today and for the opportunity to be out and about spreading His word.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Pennington Brownies
Thursday evening Sarah and I had been asked to go to the Brownies in Pennington to tell them a little about what we do and help them to get started on their faith badge. As most of the children know us from the schools that we currently go into there was no real need to introduce ourselves. I did say a little about the work we do such as school fun days, Bible Explorer, holiday clubs etc. Then we sang a few songs. We started with Giatnts of Faith as we were going to talk about faith anyway. Plus one of the people in the song is Elijah and that was who our story was about. Following a few more songs we showed the girls part of the Elijah story from the Lion Story Teller Bible and a power point slide show went with it. For teh second part of the story I decided to invite a couple of girls out to help me. I told the story while the girls did actions, the story had two magic tricks in it to emphasis part of the story when the jar of oil and the flour didn't run out. The point was that Elijah had to put all is trust and faith in God to feef him, then Elijah and the widow needed to both put the trust and faith in God. Following the stories we got the girls to make a craft which was a picture of a jar with the middle cut out and behind it we put a piece of yellow card and had it so that it could slide up and down. This was to remind the girls that the jar of oil didn't run out. The bible verse was also printed on the card to the girls could read the story for themselves if they wanted to. After the craft time we played a few games. The games time built up the girls towards the final game and for this I put out lots of objects and asked for a girl from each team who would be blindfolded and a second one who would guide the girl through the game and round the objects. I then said to the rest of the girls that they needed to be quiet because the blindfolded girl needed to listen to instructions. However they need to be quiet because we then moved all the objects leaving a clear space and pretended to go through the objects. At the end the blindfolds came off and the girls looked back to see that they had simply walked a striaght clear line. I then pointed out that the blindfolded girls needed to put their trust and faith in the person who guided them just as Elijah and the window had done with God. We concluded the evening by singing a few more songs and a prayer.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Bible Explorer Lesson 3 Pennington
This afternoon I have taught the 3rd BX lesson to the year 5 children at Pennington School. I set a fast pace with them covering 500 or so years of history in just 1 hour! Sounds a lot but we cover the book of Judges which lasts about 400 years. We don't cover all the Judges just 3 of them Deborah, Gideon and Samson. We also cover the book of Joshua as well as Ruth. I needed lots of helpers today with the story and the children willingly put their hands up and want to be a part of the story which I think is great. Next week we look at Samual, Saul, David and Soloman as we lead up to the exile. The children always want more whenever the lesson finishes and I say 'I'll tell you next time' I feel it is a great privaledge to be able to tell these stories and that schools are open to it. We should continue to pray that they will remain open.
St Peters
We had a very wet journey over to St Peters today. Following the first song which wass Giants of Faith we told the story of Saul and his encounter with Jesus. I used the Lion Storyteller Bible but added a bit of drama to it as well. It can be a little difficult for the children to understand what really happened to Saul but following the story I tried to explain that Jesus changed him from a bad person who didn't like Jesus and his followers to someone who took great delight in telling people all about Jesus and encouraged lots of people to follow him. I also told of how Paul - now his name was changed travelled to all sorts of new places telling people about Jesus and how he wrote letters back to them as well. Paul himself was put in prison and even ship wrecked at one point too but still he told people about Jesus. I trued to get the point across that once we meet Jesus he can change us completly. I said that one time while in prison Paul bound in chains sang songs and praised God. Which led onto our second song So Many Ways to Praise the Lord. Following the song Sarah said a short prayer and one of the children reminded us to say The Lords Prayer as well.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Low Furness School
This morning I went off to Low Furness School to take the assembly. We had been given the theme of change and the story of Saul/Paul. So after singing Giants of Faith as the children requested I started to tell the story from the Lion Storyteller Bible. However I did add a few extra bits in myself just to have a bit of drama in. At the end of the story I talked a bit about how Saul's life really did change so much so he could have been listed in the story Giants of Faith. I told how he was punished for being a follower of Jesus and was put into prison and beaten up and even ship wrecked. However I never stopped telling people about Jesus even from prison. I told the children about the letters he wrote which encouraged people then and now. I also said that because of his work for Jesus we got to hear about it too. To finish with we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord as Paul did frequently whenever he faced difficult times.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Broughton School
We went over to Broughton School this morning for our second visit and we took Scruff the Dog with us. Part of the school was out so it left the top juniors and the reception class. Scruff came out as he does and was surprised to see the children. He commented on how he hadn't been to this school before. He was excited to be at the school but a bit sad as he had lost something. I did ask him if he had looked everywhere for it and I told me he had but then I went and found it in his bag. It was a badge that said I'm Special. I asked him where he had got it from thinking he had won a dog show or a competition. He said no he was given it because he was special. Oh I said surprised is it only you that is special and he nodded his head. So I asked the boys and girls if they thought they were special too and they all put their hands up. So now I said to Scruff because the children are special I could give his badge to one of them. Now Scruff became really sad. I thought then that I would ask some of the children why they were special and they told me lots of things. I told them that they were special to God and that God loves us so much and he knows all about us including the number of hairs on our heads. Scruff laughed at that and said that in my case there was so little hair it wouldn't be too difficult. So I replied that in his case you would have to count the fleas too. Scruff was feeling a little better now and was impressed that we are all special and that God loves us and has loved us since before we were born. Scruff asked if there was a song about being special and Sarah said yes Touch a finger. We sang the song Sarah finished the assembly with a prayer.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Messy Church
Had a great time yesterday down at the Methodist Church sharing in their Messy Church. It was an Olympian theme with the story of the lost coin coming out via some spoon puppets. It was great to see familiar face's again as we had a great time together.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Our Lady's School
I went this morning over to Our Lady's in Dalton. Sarah decided due to the heavy rain that she would stay at home (good plan). The children were pleased to see me though. I started with Giants of Faith as we had introduced that to them last time. And then I sat down and introduced Scruff the Dog to the school. The children loved him, even though when he first came out he was a little sad and down. I asked him why he was feeling so sad - was it the rain? No he had lost something and had looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it. I offered to help and found it in his bag!! It was a badge that said I'm Special on it. I didn't fully understand so I asked Scruff if he had won a dog show or something. No he said he was just given it by someone special because he was special. Pushing my point a little more with him I said is it only you who is special - Yes he replied. So I asked the children if they thought that they were special in some way, and all hands went up. Ah I said to Scruff so we can all be special so can I give your badge away? Scruff got upset at that idea as he didn't want his badge giving away. As all the children had put their hands up I went round and asked them why they were special and I got a number of different replies - someone even said because God had made us that way. I told the children and Scruff that we are all special because God yes made us that way and loves us as well and in fact he even knows how many hairs we have on our heads. Scruff thought that this was funny because he said in my case that wouldn't be very hard to do. I also said that God has loved us even before we were born. I then tried again to give his badge away but again he said no but this time he said because that badge was really only for dogs. He then suggested a song Touch a Finger. Following the song I said a short prayer.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
BX Lesson 2 at Pennington
This afternoon I was once again in Pennington School doing Bible Explorer. Last week we finished on a bit of a cliff hanger as Joseph was in Egypt and was later joined by the rest of his family. As the lesson started this afternoon I turned to the last chapter of Genesis and asked the children to watch very carefully as I turned the page to Exodus. Then I asked the children if they saw it - blank faces looked back at me so I did it again only to be greeted once again with the same blank faces. So I told them what they had missed - 400years, Wow with the turning of the page 400 years past by. Which if you know Bible Explorer at all is the first hand sign of lesson 2. The rest of the lesson went well as we looked at the story of Moses all 120 years of it and then once again as at the end of the first lesson with the Israelites waiting, waiting on the East side of the river Jordon. I asked the children if they knew what happened next - those blank faces looked at me again. Then I said I'll tell you next week. Which was met with an awe tell us now Mark.
This blog does not even go half way to telling you how much fun we had this afternoon and how the children enjoyed taking part. Can't wait until next week.
This blog does not even go half way to telling you how much fun we had this afternoon and how the children enjoyed taking part. Can't wait until next week.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Croftlands Infants School
We took Scruff the Dog along to Croftlands Infants School this afternoon. He had been given a badge that said I'm Special on it. To start with he couldn't find it and was therefore very sad. He told me he had looked everywhere. So I asked him if he had looked in the same way that all children do when they can't find things he said he had but then I found the badge in his bag and it did say I'm Special. So I asked if he had won a dog show - No or another type of competition - No so why the badge and Scruff said someone just gave it to him. So I asked the children if they were special and they all put up their hand. But when I asked Scruff if I could give his badge to one of the children he became very sad. I thought it would be good then to ask some of the children why they were special and they came up with some really good ideas like we all look different etc. Scruff was starting to understand so I told everyone that we are all special to God and that God loves us very much. I even told the children that God knew all about us and that included the number of hairs on or head. Scruff thought that this was funny as I don't have much hair. Scruff would still not allow me to given a way his badge and the reason this time was because it was a doggy bag. The songs today were Touch a Finger but to start with we introduced Giants of Faith. Sarah ended the assembly with a prayer.
Ulverston Infants - Church Walk
Today we went once again to Ulverston Infants school and we took along Scruff the Dog. But to start with we introduced the children to Giants of Faith. Then I sat down with Scruff. He was looking a little sad as he had lost something. I asked if he had look for it really hard and he said he had looked everywhere, I remarked had he looked like most children do when they have lost something to which the teachers laughed while the children just sat there. Anyway I looked in his bag and ...there it was a badge that said "I'm Special" Wow I said who gave you this, had he been to a dog show, or had he won another competition or something. No Scruff said just someone special had given it to him. Oh I said is there anybody else special then, Scruff shook his head. So I asked the children if any of them thought they were special and everyone put up their hand. See I said to Scruff the children think they are special so can I give them your badge. No Scruff said looking sad. With this I then asked the children to tell me why they were special, one said it was their birthday, another said they had just started at Beavers and another said they did good things with out here parents asking her etc. So I said to Scruff we are all special in some way and we are all very special to God as he made us all and he even knows how many hairs are on our heads with this Scruff looked at me and said well in your case that isn't hard!! So Scruff learnt that we are all special to God but still didn't want me to give his badge away because it had a dog on it and it really was just for dogs. I said that God loves us so much that in fact he even knew about us before we were born and loved us then too. Scruff asked Sarah if we knew a song about being special and we did it was Touch a Finger to we all got partners and sang that before Sarah finished with a prayer.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Penny Bridge School
For our assembly this afternoon we went straight into the talk as time is always a bit tight and we had two parts to the assembly. I had started to build a card tower and we asked two children to come out that were brothers or sisters and two girls came out to help. They were asked to build the card tower higher. They needed a bit of help to start with but soon got he idea and even managed to build a second layer but soon knocked that down and one blamed the other. Meanwhile Sarah asked two other children to come out and read a little play which was about two disciples of Jesus who were falling out because they thought they were better than the other. Sarah went on to talk about our relationships with each other and how we show work together as a team and that we should share our gifts and talents with each other and help everyone. Because like the two girls building the card tower we need each other in order to make things work. Sarah also talked about how sports teams work together. So she encouraged Team Penny Bridge to work together. I then said that when we do then we shine our love from the inside out which was a cue for a song 'Shine' The assembly finished with a short prayer.
Pennington School
This morning we were at Pennington School and following our first song of Inright Outright we started to talk about team work. To demonstrate this we asked two brothers to come out and start to add cards to a previously started card tower. The boys did well until it fell down then needed help to build it again. There was the odd 'you made it fall down....' etc. Next Sarah asked two other children to come out and read a little play between themselves. It was Jesus' disciples falling out and discussing who was the greatest and best and both had arguments for and against. Sarah went on to talk about our relationships with each other and that in school, home, outside of school we should work as a team to help each other to get on. She likened it to a sports team who need to work and play together using each others strengths. She also covered the Christ like qualities that we all should show - fruit of the Spirit. Then I said that when we do that we can truly shine out for Jesus and that was a cue to another song 'Shine' The assembly finished with a prayer.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Leven Valley School
Scruff the Dog came with us today as we did the assembly at Leven Valley. We started with Giant of Faith as we haven't done that one before with the children. Then Scruff came out and was a bit sad as he had lost his I'm Special badge which someone special had given him. I asked him if it was for being in a dog show and he said no it was just because he was special. I asked if anyone else was special and Scruff said no but lots of children put their hands up. So I asked Scruff if I could give his badge away and he started to become really sad and that idea. So I asked the children if they were special and lots told me why they thought they were special some even said that we are unique and that God made us all special. So I told Scruff that God even knows how many hairs we have on our heads and he said that in my case that wasn't hard to count. I also told everyone that God knew us and loved us even before we were born. Scruff was now getting the idea about what it means to be special to God. So I asked him again if I could give his badge away and again he said no but this time he said it was because it had a picture of a dog on it and was really only for dogs. I then told the children that we don't really need a badge to show we are special. Scruff reminded us about a song which talks about being special to God - Touch a Finger so we sang that before finishing with a prayer. But as we had some time left we also sang Shine and then by request the Chicken Dance.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Bible Explorer Lesson 1 Pennington School
This afternoon I started Bible Explorer at Pennington School with the year 5 class. As it is the first one the children didn't quite know what to expect. So as I explained about what a bible is and how it has lots of different books and each book has chapters etc the children listened ready to learn the main stories of the Old Testament. The focus of the first lesson is to tell the stories in Genesis from creation through to Joseph taking a look at Adam and Eve, the flood and Noah, the building of the tower of Babel and the mixing of language, the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. On the way the children also learn where the events take place as they sit inside the map of the area. They also get the chance to play some of the parts to. It is a great encouragement when children put their hands up and want to be involved with the story. The whole thing is held together with the hand signs which help the children to remember the main story points. Looking forward to next week and Moses.
St Peters
Scruff the Dog came with me today when I visited St Peters School. To start the assembly we sang Giants of Faith as the children requested it. I then sat down and introduced Scruff the Dog, but he was a little sad. He whispered in my ear that he had lost his special badge. I asked if he had looked for it properly which he said he had but then I found it in his bag (like some many things that go missing) The badge said I'm Special on it so I asked Scruff where it had come from he told me that someone special thought he was special and gave it to him. I then asked if anyone else was special and Scruff shook his head and said no only him. So what about the boys and girls in the assembly then I asked could I give his badge to one of them. Scruff went very sad at the thought of this idea, so I reminded Scruff that everyone is special and I asked the children why. The children responded with answer like we all look different, we have different talents, we are unique was one answer. So I confirmed all of these answers and told everyone that God made us all to be special because he loves us so much. And even knows how many hairs are on our heads - to which Scruff replied that in my case that wouldn't be hard to count as I don't have much hair left. I also told everyone that God knew all about us even before we were born. Scruff sad that if Gary had been in the assembly he would have said WOW so Scruff did a silent WOW. He couldn't believe at first that everyone is special but by the end he understood why we are so special to God. He was now quite happy to give away his I'm Special badge to anyone that wanted it except it had a picture of a dog on it and a paw print. So I said that we don't really need a badge anyway. He went away felling very pleased. To end the assembly Scruff reminded me that we have a song called Touch a Finger which is about being special to God so we sang that once Scruff had left. I then ended the assembly with a prayer.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Crosthwaite School
We had a great time over at Crosthwaite School this afternoon. Part of the school was out so we only had the KS1 children. We also had to meet in one of the classrooms. It was a great opportunity for us to take Scruff the Dog. Scruff came out and he was looking for his 'I'm Special' badge that someone gave him at the weekend. So I asked him why he needed it and Scruff said because he was special. So I asked him if anyone else was special but he didn't seem to think they were. Scruff and I continued to talk about being special and I asked the children if they felt they were special and hands went up and the children said that they were special to God. So I asked Scruff if I could give his 'I'm Special' badge away but he got a bit upset by that but he eventually understood that everyone is special in God's eyes. We had started the assembly with Great Big God and then after the talk we sang Touch a finger and then one of the children asked if we could sing Shine. We then finished with a prayer.
Low Furness School
At Low Furness this morning we took Gary with us who had lost his 'I Go to Church' badge. Sarah asked him why he needed it and Gary said so that he needed people to know that he went to church. He went onto say that people like policemen, brownies and rainbows, beavers and the England Euro team all have uniforms and everyone can see who they belong to. He even said that the school children have a uniform and everyone can see who the staff are as they have a name badge. But Gary still thought that he needed a badge however Sarah said that we are all part of God's family and God knows all about us too he even knows how much hair we have. He even knew about us before we were born and Sarah showed a verse from Jeremiah 1:5. Gary then said how will people know though and Sarah said it is by what we do, by what we say that people will know. Gary got rather excited by this and went off to tell Mark all about it. We started the assembly with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord and finished with Shine. I then closed with a prayer.
Monday, 4 June 2012
St Pauls Jubilee Fun Day
Yesterday Sarah and I had the chance to take part in St Pauls Diamond Jubilee fun day at St Pauls School. However the weather was not that great so an alternative venue of the church hall was used. We set up and started to perform. We were able to do two magic shows each one with a short gospel message. We had planned to do more but as the hall was being used later we had to leave earlier than we had hoped for. Also while we were there a teacher from a Barrow school asked us about doing assemblies which is great.
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