Monday, 25 June 2012

Broughton School

We went over to Broughton School this morning for our second visit and we took Scruff the Dog with us.  Part of the school was out so it left the top juniors and the reception class.  Scruff came out as he does and was surprised to see the children.  He commented on how he hadn't been to this school before.  He was excited to be at the school but a bit sad as he had lost something.  I did ask him if he had looked everywhere for it and I told me he had but then I went and found it in his bag.  It was a badge that said I'm Special.  I asked him where he had got it from thinking he had won a dog show or a competition.  He said no he was given it because he was special.  Oh I said surprised is it only you that is special and he nodded his head.  So I asked the boys and girls if they thought they were special too and they all put their hands up.  So now I said to Scruff because the children are special I could give his badge to one of them.  Now Scruff became really sad.  I thought then that I would ask some of the children why they were special and they told me lots of things.  I told them that they were special to God and that God loves us so much and he knows all about us including the number of hairs on our heads.  Scruff laughed at that and said that in my case there was so little hair it wouldn't be too difficult.  So I replied that in his case you would have to count the fleas too.  Scruff was feeling a little better now and was impressed that we are all special and that God loves us and has loved us since before we were born.  Scruff asked if there was a song about being special and Sarah said yes Touch a finger.  We sang the song Sarah finished the assembly with a prayer.

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