Monday, 18 June 2012

Pennington School

This morning we were at Pennington School and following our first song of Inright Outright we started to talk about team work.  To demonstrate this we asked two brothers to come out and start to add cards to a previously started card tower.  The boys did well until it fell down then needed help to build it again.  There was the odd 'you made it fall down....' etc.  Next Sarah asked two other children to come out and read a little play between themselves.  It was Jesus' disciples falling out and discussing who was the greatest and best and both had arguments for and against.  Sarah went on to talk about our relationships with each other and that in school, home, outside of school we should work as a team to help each other to get on.  She likened it to a sports team who need to work and play together using each others strengths.  She also covered the Christ like qualities that we all should show - fruit of the Spirit.  Then I said that when we do that we can truly shine out for Jesus and that was a cue to another song 'Shine'  The assembly finished with a prayer.

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