Thursday 8 March 2018

Flookburgh School

This morning Sarah and I went down to Flookburgh School.  We had a great time, the children welcomed us as we arrived which was lovely, some said they had missed us too!  Sarah started the assembly by asking who had any animals then she went on to ask about who had dogs, cats, rabbits etc.  Next she asked the children what their favourite bible story was - their response was amazing loads of children came up with different stories some from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament - Sarah and I were really impressed by their knowledge of the Bible.  This linked into what we had prepared as we told the Lost Sheep story.  The story Sarah pointed out was a parable she asked what that was and someone said it was an earthly story with a heavenly meaning... great answer.  The story started Cecil the sheep who became lost - as I told the story I displayed a number of pictures on the screen some funny ones made the children laugh.  After the story Sarah explained what it was about and about just how much God loves us - and like the shepherd with the sheep delights when we are found and follow him.  This linked in to God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  After the song I closed the assembly with a short prayer.

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