Thursday, 15 March 2018

Leven Valley School

This Morning Sarah and I went down to Leven Valley School for the assembly.  It was great to see all the children again after such a long time.  Sarah started the assembly by asking the children about the type of animals they like such as digs, cats, rabbits etc. she then asked the children what their favourite Bible story was and the children responded with a number of different ones. Linking these together Sarah told the children that I was going to tell a story about an animal, the story was a parable of Jesus so she explained what that means.  I then told the Lost Sheep story using visuals on the screen.  After the story Sarah explained what it means and linked in the fact that God loves us so much and that his love is so, so big cue for a song - God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  After the song I closed with a prayer.

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