Thursday, 11 October 2018

St Mary's RC School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our Harvest assembly at St Mary's RC School.  We started by talking about time putting time into everything we said then Sarah said it is time for a song - Inright Outright is a short song so doesn't take much time to sing.  After the song Sarah talked to the children about time asking who gets them up in a morning and at what time, when do they get to school, who tells them it is time for assembly, how do they know it is time for lunch.  We then played the 1 minute game afterwards Sarah commented that a minute takes such a long time to pass.  I then showed the children an apple and asked what is in side it - seeds.  I took a seed and also displayed a picture of a cut open apple on the screen.  I asked who or what tells the seed to grow - I got a number of very good answers, I displayed the apple cycle and explained what happens in apples from seed to apple.  I also displayed a few Bible verses from Genesis which talk about God putting the seeds into fruit and things as well as providing the right conditions for the fruit to grow.  I then asked the children what time of year it was - harvest.  I explained what harvest was traditionally in the past before talking about today and how we can get food stuffs all year round - so I continued if at harvest time we say thank you to God for our food should we not say thank you every time we eat?  I left that thought with them as we went into our final song - Creator God.  Sarah then closed with a prayer.

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