Tuesday, 2 October 2018

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I went over to St Peters school for the assembly.  It was really great to see all the children and staff again after such a long time.  After singing Inright Outright Sarah talked to the children about time - asking things like what time they get up, who tells them it is time for school, when do they know it is lunch time.  Then she got them to count for a minute and when they thought it was time they should stand up.  Once we have finished this game I started to talk about apples and asked what is inside them - seeds (as well as nice tasting fruit).  I then asked who or what tells the seed to start to grow - God came back the answer.  I then explained what happens seed - seedling - tree - blossom - flower - fruit - seed …… I then displayed some verses from Genesis about creation and how God made the seeds in the fruit and how He provides the right environment from them to grow, summer and winter, hot and cold etc.  This links to the time of year which is harvest so I encouraged the children to thank God for all the great food stuffs we have to eat and not just at this time of year but everyday.  We finished with Creator God before Sarah said a prayer.

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